Perfume smell of blood which was released eccentric singer Lady GaGa indeed sound strange. But an artist create a unique perfume with ingredients of urine.
This strange perfume creations come from the Cherry Tree. In support of natural and recycled garbage he tries to recycle everything around him. Then comes the desire to recycle your urine.
Cherry began to create a unique fragrance in 2006. He holds all the right urine during a full moon. Then save the urine in a bottle of perfume.
Tree fascinated urine smell changes. The smell of urine is highly influenced by what they eat everyday. According to him, the smell of urine will be felt more fragrant when someone ate a lot of honey and smelled bad when eating chicken meat.
"I'm not embarrassed by the idea of using urine as a perfume. Some species are also extracted from the musk scent of sex glands of deer," he said as quoted by the Genius Beauty.
Cherry believes the idea will survive long. He even tried to process the urine as much as two times to create a scent creative as possible.
He hopes his creations can be sold at any one time. People can use the perfume of his own urine. Apart from its unique idea, Cherry stressed the importance of waste treatment to preserve the environment.
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